23 November 2014

Go For It!

We are so lucky to have a Go For It lesson once a week.  Every Monday morning we get to play a wide variety of new games which encourage new physical and co-operative skills for everyone in Room 1.  Ask your child what has been one of their favourite activities.  There is always lots of smiling and laughter during the Go For It lessons.

19 November 2014

We are learning how to write explanations.  Room 1 has learnt that explanations need to start with a how or why question.

Here are two explanations we all wrote together

How do bees make honey?

People love to eat honey but bees do not make honey for people they make it for themselves.

First, bees have to go out and suck up the nectar from the flowers.  Next, the bees go back to the hive and vomit out nectar into the honeycomb.  Then the worker bees stir the nectar with their proboscis and lots of other bees fan the nectar with their wings.  The water evaporates from the nectar and leaves some sticky syrup called honey.

Bees have to work hard to make honey for feeding their babies and themselves during winter.

How do plants make seeds?

It is important that plants make seeds so we can eat lots of fruit and vegetables.

First, a plant needs to grow a flower.  Once it has a flower, this flower needs to be visited by a bee.  Next, the pollen gets stuck to the hair on the bee.  A bee flies away and takes pollen from one flower to another flower.  Then the pollen falls off the bee and travels down the pistil of the flower.  After that the pollen joins together with an egg and the plant grows a seed.  Finally, the flower dies and the wind blows the seeds away to a new place.  Later another seed grows into a plant.

This is the plants life cycle.

Room 1 teach your family all about why these are good explanations.

6 November 2014

Spring Festival

Last Friday Room 1 with the other three yr 1/2 classes celebrated Spring.  We made some vegetable novelties at home and then created a floral sand saucer at school.  Everyone in Room 1 was excited to sing their songs for all the visitors.  The Kapahaka performance was fantastic and they all looked very good in their uniforms.  It was really fun to get back in the class and share all our Spring creations with our visitors.  Our day all ended with a picnic together.  Take a look at the Spring creations Room 1 made.