24 March 2015

Kuirau Park

Last week Room 1 went to Kuirau Park with the rest of the Year 2 team.  Everyone was very excited about doing a scavenger hunt.  We had only just learnt what a QR code was.  There is one at the front of our blog now.  Each team had to find ten QR codes around the park and do the measurement task at each station.  The children used a map to find the QR code station  then scanned the code with an I-pad to find out the instructions of the measurement task.

The playground at Kuirau Park caused great excitement amongst the class and was the highlight of many of the Room 1 children.  We have been writing stories about our trip that will be shared in your child's AFL folder.

Room 1 also noticed a lot of the thermal activity in the park.  We will be learning about Rotorua's Thermal Wonderland next term.


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful time Room 1. Great photos - Will's mum

  2. Anonymous28/4/15

    What awesome photos about the trip. I am sure you learnt a lot!
