27 February 2015

Sandpit Monitors


This term Room 1 has a responsibility to look after the sandpit for the school.  This means that we must unlock the black bins everyday.  Then make sure the toys are packed away and the black bins are locked after lunch.These two children are our sandpit monitors.

They have been so reliable that Mrs Woon visited our class to thank all of Room 1 for doing an excellent job for the school.

25 February 2015

Learning about Length

We have started getting busy learning about length in Maths. We have been using lots of different self chosen units of measurement ( handspans, our feet, giant steps, ladybird steps, blocks, orange rods) We have been drawing around ourselves and choosing a part of the body we can measure.


 We have learnt that we need to choose a start and a finish for our measurement. We are also learning how to measure accurately so we have no overlaps.  We wrote all over the body outline.

Next we used the orange rods.  We found out that the big metre ruler measured ten of the orange rods.  Yesterday when we were learning about a Wombat (an Australian Native animal) we found out that adult wombats grow to be a metre long.  Wombats live in burrows so we wondered how big would the wombats burrow have to be?

SO although we couldn't make a wombat burrow in our school sandpit we went outside to measure

How long is a wombat?

11 February 2015

Up, up, up

This week we went to our first school assembly which was hosted by Room 17.  We learnt a lot about recycling but the most exciting part for Room 1 was this song.  We are learning this song.  It is a fun way to practice our reading skills.  Have a go at home!

8 February 2015

Room 1's Class Treaty

Room 1 has a very special treaty which we say every morning as part of our Morning Meeting.  This helps us to think about our learning.  We are concentrating on "We are a Team" right now.  This means including everyone and everybody working hard together to get great results.  

5 February 2015

Check out these awesome super learners in Room 1!!

Room 1 has been having a fun time in our new class. We are learning to work as a team.  At our first Year 2 assembly we won the trophy for the class with the best manners.  We were really proud of ourselves.  What a fantastic start!!!!!