19 February 2016

Counting On At Maths

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We have started to practice counting on problems. The blocks help us to start counting on from the biggest number. Wow!

16 February 2016

Maths Artwork

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I made a diamond pattern in Maths today. Cohan

15 February 2016

We Won The Year 2 Trophy at our Team Assembly

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Walking Feet

This week we starting to count how many of us bike, walk or scooter to school.  If we have the most we might win ice-blocks for the class.  Look how some children around the world get to school.

Writing Activity:  Use your imagination to create a new way to travel to Otonga

Crossing a river on inflated tire tubes, Rizal Province, Philippines

Pupils walking on a tightrope 30 feet above a river, Padang, Sumatra, Indonesia

Riding a horse cart back from school, Delhi, India

Traveling on the roof of a wooden boat in Pangururan, Indonesia

Travelling 800m on a steel cable, 400m above the Rio Negro River, Colombia

Via unsecured wooden ladders, Zhang Jiawan Village, Southern China

Five-hour journey through the mountains on a 1ft-wide path to the most remote school in the world, Gulu, China

10 February 2016


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This is our first music lesson with Mrs Lyon's. We are learning to feel and move to the beat in music. What is a beat?

9 February 2016

Our letters to Scruffy

Room 1 has been working hard on their letters back to Scruffy.
We know we have finished our letters when we have told Scruffy about our favourite books and two interesting things about ourselves.

Dear Scruffy,
I like books about happy endings.  My Mum hopes I get Scruffy.
Fro Aaliyah

Dear Scruffy,
I really really like books about soccer and about bikes.  I like going on my bikes and I like to play with my cars.
From Lucas

Dear Scruffy,
I like Hairy Maclary books and I like biking.  I like playing with slot cars.
From Cam

Dear Scruffy,
My favourite book is Hairy Maclary.
From Peyton

Dear Scruffy,
I like Hairy Maclary books like you.  I love playing on the trampoline and playing with lego.
Love from Jeremy

Dear Scruffy
I like Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy.  I love you.  I want to take you home because I love you.  I have a big sister.  Her name is Ella.  I have four cats.
From Alina

Dear Scruffy,
Are you ready to hear my story? because I have some cool stories, one of them is about dinosaurs.  I like fishing and hunting and off-roading.
From Cohan

Dear Scruffy,
I love books that have dogs.  I have a brother and two dogs.  We like horse riding and going to the beach.
From Aurora

Dear Scruffy,
I like happy endings and I have a little brother.  His name is Harry.  Harry likes doing what I like doing.
Love Jenna

Dear Scruffy,
I love you the most because you love adventures.  Do you Scruffy?  I like books about whales. Scruffy do you know I've got lots of toys.  I've got the paw patrol micro lights.  My Mum loves surprises.
Love Jasroop

Dear Scruffy,
My favourite book is about cats.
From Amber

Dear Scruffy,
I really love you Scruffy.  My favourite books are about Barbie.  I like playdough and I like playing with Scruffy.
From Lauren

Dear Scruffy,
You are mischievous. I like books about Lego Star Wars.  I have a sister.
From Mason

Dear Scruffy,
I like the Hulk books.  I like to play on the computer.
From Kiritopa

Dear Scruffy,
I like school and I really like my books.  I like my cat and I play with it with the newspaper.
From Kaylee

Dear Scruffy,
I love you.  I like books about butterflies.  I like listening to the teacher and getting warm fuzzies.
From Amelia

Dear Scruffy,
I really like books.  I like eating chocolate ice-cream.  I like playing on the I-pad.
From Josh

Dear Scruffy,
I like Otonga.  I like Hairy Maclary.  I like to play outside on the six year old playground.
From Bevan

Dear Scruffy,
I like Scruffy because Scruffy reads a book.  I like reading and I like playing.
From Arvin

Dear Scruffy,
I like dinosaur books.  I like to go to the playground and I like to go to the shop.
From Isileli

Dear Scruffy,
My favourite book is about reptiles.  Scruffy, my favourite thing is going fishing and bouncing on the trampoline.
From Corbin

Dear Scruffy,
I like to read dinosaur books and dog books because I like reading books.  I don't know why but it makes Scruffy happy because he makes me read.  How did he get in the library?  I have got a baby and a Mum and a Dad and a Grandad and a Grandmum and a Uncle.  I play with my baby and my baby is a boy and sometimes I do the dishes.
From Hemish

Dear Scruffy,
I like books with cats.  I have a brother and I like reading books and I like my owl.  I love Scuffy.
From Ruby

4 February 2016

Scruffy our dog!

Scruffy is Room 1's pet.  He is mischievous and is not always doing what he is supposed to be doing. One of Scruffy's favourite things to do is read books and listen to stories.

When Room 1 came back from morning tea we found this letter in Mrs Elvidge's writing book.

Dear Room 1,

I have watched you all work very hard over the last two days.  I think we are going to have a great year.  I have just popped out to find some stories for our class.  I wonder if Mrs Elvidge will let you come and find me?

I will be busy reading one of my favourite authors.  What is one of your favourite books?  Could you please write to me and tell me.

Lots of Love,


Room 1 really wanted to go and find Scruffy.  We found him reading a 'Hairy Maclary' book in the library.
Luckily Mrs Atkinson didn't mind because the library is not open until next week.  Scruffy was really quiet in the library.  We all chose some books and went back to class to start our own letters to Scruffy.